Susan L. Farrell, Author

Space with Grace

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A friend of mine, who has been going through a rough time, said at a meeting that she appreciated that people were giving her “space with grace.” I had not heard that phrase before, but I like it.

Some people, when they are going through a rough time, like having people around them, helping them, doing things for them, etc. That’s fine.

Other people, however, like to have some space to deal with whatever they are going through in their own time and at their own pace. That’s fine, too.

I am one of the latter people. Although I like to know that people are concerned about me, I don’t want them hovering over me. Gracefully giving me some space is what I want, need, and will forever appreciate.

If you want to help someone that is going through a difficult situation, give them what they want rather than what you would want. How do you know what they want? Ask them.


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