Susan L. Farrell, Author

Pack Wolf or Lone Wolf?

dreamstime_xs_52534905In nature, most wolves are pack wolves. They belong to a pack, they know their role in the pack, and they support the pack. There are also lone wolves. These are wolves that have left the pack by choice or have been kicked out of the pack. Often, they find a mate and create a new pack.

In my opinion, some people are similar to pack wolves and some are similar to lone wolves.

People who are more similar to pack wolves want, even need, to belong to a “pack.” They want to belong to a group, or groups, in their personal and professional lives. These are the ones that become very involved in the group and enjoy doing things outside of the normal group activities. For example, working with the group all day isn’t enough, they want to go out with the group after work as well.

People who are more similar to lone wolves belong to groups, but do not feel the need to become as involved. Working with the group during the day is great, but they want to do something else later. They may be more on the perimeter of groups than in the middle of everything that is going on.

I am more of a lone wolf. I enjoy people, I enjoy belonging to groups, but I have limits. For some groups I belong to, seeing them once a month is enough. I don’t really want to see them more frequently. And quite honestly, there are some relatives that if I see them once a year, that is plenty. For the most part, I enjoy doing things with my “mate” rather than other people.

There is not any right or wrong to this. All I suggest is that whichever you are, accept and respect that not everyone is the same.


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